When I die i want to be buried. I don't think it's right to be cremated. donating your body to science is another option which i have no problem with, but it's not something i want to happen to me. I think burial is the best option because it gives others a place to come and remember you and makes it so you're not forgotten. It sort of gives your life a purpose and mening because it makes it so people see where you are and dont forget the life you lived. It causes memories to come back to them seeing a gravestone, and isn't that something you want? Don't you want people to remember you? Putting your old ashes up in an urn on the mantle doesn't really let people remember you and allow them to bring memories back to their minds and have feelings for you. Giving your corpse to science isn't a bad discision either because it allows people of the world to become more knowledgeable and gives others a better chance in life.
When a person dies anything can happen to them. I think that a persons body stops working and they just cease to exist. The person just ceases to be there although their body exists they are no longer "real". They are just a thing after they die, not a person or a loved one. Just a thing. A being without a life or thought or feeling. They're an object that has no meaning except to cause pain and grief. The corpse doesn't try to cause pain, its just an object that brings back memories and feeling because of its appearance. a corpse is an object, no longer a person.
The sole of a person. Where does it go when yoyu die? I think it just escapes from the body and drifts away like an invisible matter. It separates and divides into tiny atoms until it is no longer. The sole is just an object that exists inside you and when it is released with death it disintegrates into the air and becomes nothing but the sorrow of others. Your sole becomes the tears in peoples eyes and causes then the sad and devastating feelings they have deep inside them. The sole seeps into loved ones and becomes that deep-down feeling that feels like a whole in your heart. A drifting sole form a dead loved one causes this feeling. That sole seeps inside you down to your heart and causes that heart break of when a loved one dies. You know you'll never see them again or speek to them or touch them, but thats not what causes that sickly pain in your heart. What causes it is that loved one's sole seeping into your skin, penetrating to your heart, puncturing it with its rough edges and causing that deep pain that makes it feel like your heart is going to burst. They cause those invisible holes that drill into your heart and cause that feeling that you can't run away from. You can't escape that feeling as the sole has drilled into you at the person's death. When the person dies their sole is released into the atmoshere and finds its way to others, its loved ones. The feeling has completely drilled into them when they get the news of that loved one's death, and invisibly bursts the person's heart. The hearts outer layer, the sole is what completely bursts. It tears and rips and bruises and leaves that aching feeling. When you think about that person later it causes pain just like a finger pushing a bruise. It hurts you and you can't escape that feeling just like you cant escape the pain of pushing on a bruise. It'll happen and there's no escape. You can't run from pain and you can't run from memories.
The sole is an invisible thinng/ It surrounds your heart and theres no way to escape its grasp. It'll hold on to your heart for as long as it can, but when it lets go, so does your heart. Your heart quits beating when the soles grasp loosens and comes off. The sole is what holds your heart together and keeps it from stopping. When the sole breaks off of your heart you die and the sole escapes from your body and goes to your loved ones where it drills into their soles and tears them up like hands with paper. This doesn't kill them but it seriously wounds them. it doesnt cause the sole to loose its grasp but it wounds the sole and causes pain just like a cut or bruise, depending on that persons impact on your life.
The sole in death effects it's loved ones because it's not the body or mind that loves, but that outer grasping layer of the heart that loves the person. The sole is what loves others, and nothing else. It's not something you can escape. Your sole will love that person forever and theres no way to escape that love.
Very poetic, but it got kind of repetative at the end.
6:07 PM
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