My Handicaps and Advantages
I have a few handicaps. My least favorite one is that I have glasses. They're a handicap because they make it difficult to swim and do other things like that because without them I can't see well. Glasses also mean that I have to get my eyes checked often, because they keep changing, and it can be a painful experience.
Another handicap its that I have braces. They are a handicap because they make it hard to eat certain things that I love. I can't eat things like peanuts and gummy worms because there's a possibility of a bracket coming off. I hate them so much because I can't enjoy some of my favorite foods.
A strange handicap of mine is that I have small wrists and hands. This is a handicap because I generally can't wear most of the bracelets at the store. The bracelets all just slide off my hand and it can be quite annoying.
Another strange handicap is that I don't have pierced ears. Its strange because most people do and they often ask me why I don't have mine pierced (which annoys me-so please don't ask).It's also a handicap because it is hard to find earrings since hardly any stores sell clip-ons, but I would hardly ever wear earrings anyways so it doesn't matter.
I'm a perfectionist. I think I sort of have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). I used to have to arrange the magazines at the store when I was younger and when I was younger than that, I used to arrange my books in straight lines from smallest to largest. This is sort of a handicap because little things bother me and I have to fix them. It's an advantage because I notice little things, for example my grandmother lost her wedding ring yesterday (really it was yesterday) and I found it in the crack of a chair. So that is one way it is an advantage.
Another advantage is that I travel a lot. It's an advantage because I get to learn more about different places. So far I've been to 26 states and I just got back from Pennsylvania yesterday (that's where I was Friday and Monday). It can be a disadvantage though because I do miss some school work.
One disadvantage is that I'm often quiet. This is just how I am in front of large groups of people (large groups meaning like the size of our class or bigger) or around people I don't know very well. With my friends I can be quite talkative, but generally not around a lot of people.
An advantage is that I'm smart. I've been in advanced classes for as long as I can remember and have always done well in school. This can actually be a disadvantage because I feel bad when I get a low grade. But, I always try to get ahead and do as good as I can.
Another advantage is that I'm creative and artistic. I love working with materials and I am going to try to teach Camisia how to knit because she's been asking for a while. But I love doing things with my hands and I always have.
This is getting long so I'll wrap it up. I have many advantages and disadvantages (some of which I didn't list) but in reality even though we all have some advantages and some disadvantages, that's what makes us special and unique so don't feel bad about your disadvantages because they are what make you, you.
you should join the ocd club. members are me, hannah, allison, parker, kathryn, well you know.
and braces are good, well i'm sure they hurt, but then you're teeth'll be all perfect when they're off. (the braces, not your teeth)
oh, and the knitting thing, that'll be cool. when do you want to do that?
9:48 AM
Are you near sighted or far sighted? You and I are very similar. We are both good with our hands. Only I make "Thingamabobs" out of pipe cleaners. You don't need to have your ears pierced. You are a girl either way. P.S. CAN YOU LIFT ANYTHING WITH THOSE WEAK GIRLY ARMS?!?!?!?!?!?!?
9:50 AM
ok so that last comment was sort of long, but i read something on ian's page so i decided to comment again:
near-sighted is when you can see close up
far-sighted is when you can see stuff better far away
ps. how's the baby, lol, that sounds weird, and you don't have weaak arms
4:21 PM
YOU QUIET???????!!!!!!!???????? Yeah right. You talk as if there's no tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Friendly comment between friends. But, IT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10:11 AM
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